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  • Festival Pass Regular

    Festival Pass Regular

    Your ticket for the entire festival weekend with access to the event grounds and the regular camping site.
    Bring your own tent! With your festival wristband, you can visit and leave the site at your leisure within the festival hours. A security check will be required each time you enter.

  • Festival Pass Hurricane Park

    Festival Pass Hurricane Park

    Like the regular festival pass, but with the added camping area: you have access to our Hurricane Park and can find your campsite in the “green oasis” (Bring your own tent).

    Our Hurricane Park – Philosophy:

    Peace and Quiet
    Loud voices are taboo here as are noisy souvenirs from the fan mile or booming music players. Cheerful conversation and music making should happen here at noise levels that are tolerable for the neighbors' camp.

    No litter
    In the Hurricane Park the detritus of wealth should not litter the place, but should instead be thrown into the intended containers, which are sufficient in number.

    This is important in all spheres of life anyway but should be emphasized once again: The festival should be as pleasant as possible for all who attend. 

    Any gross infringements of the prevailing philosophy will lead to offenders losing their access rights, and they will then be redirected to the regular campsite.

  • Upgrades


    Already purchased a Festival Pass but want to expand your festival experience? Then check out our many different upgrade options.

  • Kulturpass

    Your KulturPass for the Hurricane 2025!

    Happy 18th Birthday!!
    Were you born in 2006 or 2007? Grab the best gift ever with the KulturPass app: save at least €100 on your ticket for Hurricane 2025!

    Contact us at any time at hurricane@fkpscorpio.com if you have any questions.

    lazyloaded Image

    Were you born in 2007?

    1. Download the KulturPass app.
      •    App-Store
      •    Google Play Store
    2. Register with the online pass procedure.
    3. Receive a €100 budget.
    4. Search for "HURRICANE FESTIVAL" and reserve a value code.
    5. Wait for your reservation to reach the status "Ready for pickup" and you will receive an email as info.
    6. Redeem the code within 48 hours in the last step of the ticket booking in the ticket store.
    7. Enjoy the best weekend of the year!!!

    P. S. The budget is available to you from your 18th birthday. The prerequisite for this is that you have activated your budget. You can redeem it until December 31, 2025.

    Were you born in 2006?

    1. You have downloaded the KulturPass app.
    2. You are already successfully registered.
    3. Check your remaining credit.
    4. Search for "HURRICANE FESTIVAL" and reserve your value code.
    5. Wait for your reservation to reach the status "Ready for pickup" and you will receive an e-mail as information.
    6. Redeem the code within 48 hours in the last step of the ticket booking process in the ticket store.
    7. Enjoy the best weekend of the year!!!